Customers rarely carry cash these days, and they expect merchants to accept debit and credit cards, no matter where they are. That’s why it’s more necessary than ever that businesses have mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) terminals.
A mobile point-of-sale terminal can be a tablet, smart phone, or similar wireless device, equipped with point-of-sale apps that act as a traditional POS system. There are many options, including Square, LevelUp, & Shopkeep. These allow you to process payments anywhere, and can even come equipped with a credit card swiping mechanism, or be set up to accept mobile payment from apps like Google Wallet or ApplePay. They’re plug and play systems that make it easier than ever for merchants to process payments.
Implementing mPOS devices can offer merchants many benefits. They drive sales in any environment, helping merchants provide more personalized customer experiences, and even helping promote a business’ reputation. Adding mPOS solutions to existing payment systems can also help manage customers during busy times, when you may need additional options for processing payments.
Plus, mPOS solutions are easy to implement, inexpensive, offer customer convenience, and integrate with loyalty programs and other services. They also give merchants a less-expensive option for accepting EMV cards.
While traditional POS will always maintain a strong hold on the marketplace, mPOS represents a substantial opportunity to expand point of sale solutions for your clients.
The post Get Ready for Mobile POS first appeared on Retriever, Advantage Merchant Services.