Not getting a quick response from your credit card processor can easily result in lost time, money, and sales. This is never a concern with Retriever. Our local office in Florida, servicing the surrounding areas means that a payment processing service representative is always nearby and just a phone call away.
Your first call with Retriever is to teach us about your business and goals. Our staff will use their expertise to best evaluate which payment processing system solutions fit your needs to improve your bottom line while saving your staff time. We then review what equipment is best suited for your business.
A credit application is then completed. Full disclosure, in response to the Patriot Act, is required prior to opening an account. Your application is then submitted and, with approval, we will schedule an installation.
Representatives will then arrive at your location to train you on your equipment. Other companies often ship your new equipment and try to guide you through setup and training over the phone. In-person training helps alleviate that stress, as one of our local payment processing service technicians will meet with you face to face. A personal touch helps guarantee a smooth transition before we leave.
If you experience any issues after installation, we are happy to return to your business. After three months, we revisit our installed payment processing systems to make sure everything is operating smoothly. A review of your account helps you get the most value from your credit card processing. Sometimes, a simple change in procedure results in hundreds of dollars in savings!